change your mind,
even things that can kill you,
can make you feel alive.
Do you miss me the way I miss you?
I hope you find someone who knows how to love you when you’re sad :)
I just want to feel
Than I’m important someone
Relation with people is same as relation with fire. Don’t get to far you will freeze. Don’t get to close you will burn.
Sono sempre con noi le persone che amiamo Di giorno nei pensieri e di notte nei sogni
Time will show you who deserves your heart.
I don’t understand our relationship. sometimes we’re friends, sometimes we’re more than friends and sometimes I’m just a stranger to you.
Neither be a fault finder in love and nor be too pedantic not to fall in love!
When someone else’s happiness
is your happiness that’s love
Request for Image
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Eager to hear your requests!