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Everyday I Want You Than the Day Before
Dive into a Collection of Thought-Provoking Quotes
If you have the power to make someone happy, do it.
The world needs more of that.
You may not remember,
but I do as well.That I was everything that you had:)
now, you have anything?
Everyone is not replaceable, be careful who you hurt.
life is like a mirror :
It’ll smile at you if you smile at it
Life is short, hug each other a little tighter
Two things prevent us from happiness living in the past and observing others.
The saddest moment is when the person who gave you the best memories becomes a memory.
don’t wait until people are dead to give them flower
You’re the best thing I’ve ever had but I’m not even the worst you’ve ever had…
Because I’m nothing to you…
Shhhh… close your eyes, open your mind, kiss my lips, and steal my heart.
I am drunk and you’re insane who’s going to lead us home?
Nobody deserves your tears but whoever deserves them will not make you cry
People never change
They only wear the mask you like to see
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