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10 Quotes That Will Make You Think Deeply
Dive into a Collection of Thought-Provoking Quotes
Never regret anything
No matter how strong of a person you are there’s always someone who can make you weak
Laugh when you can, apolqogize when you should, and let go of what you can’t change
When I care about someone I really care when I love with all my heart
He was my mountain and I was his wind I howled and he listened silently
come here, near me, to show the world our middle finger…
My life was just like a movie and now is the end of it…
never blink when U discomfited me perhaps never see me again when Ur eyelids opening
You come to yourself one time and You see growing up that much Who do not have any free space in No one’s life!
Treat your brain like your stomach!
Stop feeding it junk!
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